By admin

Thank you for your interest in participating in Cornell University’s deer management program. New and returning hunters must reapply each season.

Steps in the Application Process

  1. On the “Apply Now” page read the rules, regulations, news, and updates.
  2. At the bottom of the “Apply Now” page, click “begin your application.” Hunters must pass an on-line test to demonstrate that they have read and understand program rules, regulations, and expectations. The test is not designed to be difficult and there are no trick questions, but please read the rules and regulations carefully. Applicants are given three attempts to pass the test.
  3. Applicants who pass the test will be automatically linked to the online permit application. Please note: Applicants need a valid, unique email address and hunting license in order to complete the application.
  4. Once you submit and request your permit application, you should receive an email confirming it was submitted. The application process generally takes 1-3 weeks from the time we receive the request. Please note: All applicants must agree to and pass a screening via a Cornell Police background check.

Once your application is approved, you will be provided with instructions on how to create an account and log in to our site reservation system. You will be required to use this system to reserve the location, days and times you plan to hunt, as well as to report your hunting activity and harvest.

Apply Now

Read rules, regulations, and updates then take a short test to start the application process.

Why We Manage Deer

Managing the deer population is essential to maintaining or improving forest health.

2008-2018 Program Summary

Harvest and Activity for each hunting site recorded each year beginning in 2008.